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INTRODUCTION :The necessity to file a suit for declaration arises for a party when the property on which he wants to ascertain the rights, ownership are In dispute. By way of filing a suit for declaration, the doubts about his rights and title to a property, which is held by other side wholly or in part, will be put to rest by the court by way of a decree in his favour.

1. Name of Act / Procedure / Rule Civil Procedure Code, 1908
2. Nature of the Case Civil
3. Name of service (MAIN RELIEF)
Seeking a direction from the court to declare the party as the rightful owner of the property on which he claims the title & rights
4. Description of Service
Seeking a direction from the court to declare the party as the rightful owner of the property on which he claims the title & rights
  5.  Documents required for the case :
a) Documentary proof of ownership of the property on which he claims such ownership
Correct address of other side
c) Office copy of legal notice, if any
d) Original postal receipt, & acknowledgment, if any
e) Any information that can substantiate the factum of such proof of ownership of the property on which he claims such ownership
6. Time required for filing case
2 days, provided all the necessary documents are submitted
   7. Law Firm Expenses (Depends from case to case)
  8.  Interim  Reliefs  Available
  Temporary Injunction
a. Name of Act / Procedure / Rule Order 39 Rule 1 & 2 of Code Of Civil Procedure
b. Nature of the Case Civil
c. Name of the Service
Temporary Injunction
d. Description of Service
To get a temporary injunction order against other side restraining them from selling the property in dispute to others, etc . . .
e. Documents required
i) Original agreement/contract pertaining to the property
ii) copy of legal notice sent, if any
iii) postal receipts & acknowledgements, if any
f. Law Firm expenses : Depends on the case
g. Expenses for filing the case: To be borne by Client
h. Miscellaneous expenses for filing case : To be borne by Client

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